Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/9

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THE present volume is a partial realisation of the cherished dream of many long years. It is the initial response to the imperative call of not a few respectable voices. In its immediate occasion, it is a concrete tribute of thanks-offering to the Giver of all graces and gifts for the Master’s length of days just happily extended to their ‘three score’ years and for the exceeding richness of the dower dispensed through them. As for its possible value, besides its intrinsic worth for all truth-seekers and hero-worshippers, may it prove also a material link of closer fellowship, not only for the near coterie of personal fellow-disciples, but as well for the vastly wider circle of other friends, admirers and old pupils! At all events, here, it is trusted, will be found enough to bring to light ‘a gem of purest ray serene’ from ‘the dark unfathomed caves of ocean’—one worthy of the name it bears.

‘Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter!’