Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/145

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quet unless they were doled out to her, a beggar for a good while, as handfuls of alms. Likewise after generations of unjust treatment, no wonder if woman has ceaced to be an aspiration to man. But if you cultivate the spirit of reverence for womankind, you will find that woman is inspiring, indeed. As you look at a woman, does your heart throb with awe and reverence as in the presence of a saint ? 'How shall I treat a woman ?' — that is the test-question for one and all. When a woman is in need of a little service, a look of brotherly encouragement, do not let go the opportunity. Rajah Rammohan Roy never sat down while a woman of any rank was standing in the company. You ought to cultivate that gracious spirit. You can help and honor a woman in numberless ways. Will you bear with me if I venture to refer to a few suggestive instances even within the experience of a poor, frail, humble individual like myself ? It was true service rendered, though very slight, when certain Indian ladies, who had come