Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/147

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her. Again, how significantly sublime is the story, in one of the Puranas, of girls remaining unclad while rishis robed in purity passed by them ! Mr. W. T. Stead, Editor of The Review of Reviews, so dead against every kind of oppression or compulsion, has had to pay a heavy price for the advancement of Purity in England, in connection with the passing of a Bill prohibiting an immoral traffic in girls under the age of twenty-one. For what he had written and done on that occasion he was, on a technical point of law, sentenced to three months' imprisonment. But his dauntless exertions overcame all opposition ; the conscience of the country was roused ; and the Bill, at first strongly opposed, was enthusiastically passed. Again, all honour be to Gladstone, who could tell Sir Charles Dilke himself that, inconsequence of his figuring in a divorce case, he could no longer be a member of the Cabinet! And accordingly, ever after, Sir Charles Dilke, once talked of as the coming Premier, had to hide "his dimi-