Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/170

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God is abslolulely one—one in person, one in design, one in love. In Him there is, there can be, no mutability or partiality. Consequently, His truth is one, uniform, self-consistent. To whatever age revealed, in whichever region proclaimed, His truth partakes of His own nature, is absolutely one, and is characterised by His own power, wisdom, goodness and holiness. Various aspects of His truth may have been disclosed to men at different times and under diverse circumstances; but the many phases of His truth naturally and readily cohere into one whole, as being mutually supplementary or explanatory. Whatever declines to enter into His harmony, whatever refuses to assort into this unity, whatever tends to or results in narrowness, in ignorance, in exclusiveness, or in impurity, is, to that extent, not of heaven heavenly, but of earth earthy. To that degree, it has the "brand" of untruth upon it; and, to that degree, it should t»e boldly and promptly cast aside. When the tares of man's sowing should thus be weed-