Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/180

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go on, God is over with us, communicating more and more of His truth to us as our powers of apprehension become purer and keener. The latest phase of His revelation to man is that embodied in the (Theistic) movement which we here represent."*[1] Thus we hold that the load-star of revelation, which guides the humble and cheers the way-worn, shines upon the path of every child of God, here dim and disturbed through fog and cloud and there bright and serene in the clear horizon.

But this self-same belief in the catholicity of faith and the universality of revelation shuts the door against the idea that Heaven's guidance is restricted to one particular age or country; nor do we see our way to the acceptanca of the theory that for all times and all climes has been given one final, clear-defined spiritual guide and ethical code to doubt which is blasphemy, to gainsay which is iniquity.

  1. * Basis of Theism and its relation to the so-called Revealed Religions by Ramakrishna Gopala Bhandarkar, M. A., PH.D., C. I. E.