Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/188

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former leads the latter goads, where the former persuades the latter compels. Natural Religion appeals to man's heart, Revealed Religion points to antiquity'; Na- tural Religion treats man as a being cast in the image of his Maker, Revealed Religion considers man to be but an improved variety of the simian species, which refuses to dance and do its work unless the rod of authority be held up. The motto of Revealed Religion is nationality ; the watchword of Natural Religion is nation- ality refined and expanded by rationality. "Follow in the wake of your fathers;" says Revealed Religion, "obey the mandates of old ; ask no questions ; make no inferences ; draw no conclusions. Hold your impotent reason in abeyance ; dogma and faith shall sway supreme." "All that is old," says Natural Religion in the wise words of immortal Kalidasa, "is not there- fore necessarily excellent ; all that is new

point. Religion is natural to man as understood, felt and assimilated by him, it is revealed to him by God, the Parent of all Truth.