Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/191

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unbiassed, in the appreciation ol wisdom catholic, To him there is no book but may disclose a precious fact, no man but may display a particular phase of God's greatness, He is the heir of all ages, the pupil of all teachers. His admiration for the records of the experiences of the past is reasonable yet profound; and his mission is to distil out, drink and assimilate into himself whatever is pure and lovely and of good report in every branch of knowledge. He aspires to the head of a Plato, the heart of a Jesus, the courage of a Luther, the faith of a Chaitanya, the fire of a Mahammed, the self-sacrifice of a Buddha. To him the different "sacred books" are but the several chapters of that endless volume which God Almighty has from time immemorial been writing on the sensitive tablets of the human heart. Once again to quote from that worthy representative of the Theists in the Western Presidency, Professor R. G. Bhandarkar, "let us exert ourselves to bring into practice the teachings of the old Rishis and learn