Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/218

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eagerly craving for them; our very asking indicates our strong^felt need of them. Even because we knock at the door eagerly, the time comes for opening the gates of the store-house of spirituality. The soul seeks and God reveals; the soul asks and God grants; the soul knocks and God opens : thus man's desires and God's designs come into line. Furthermore, it is the faithful heart, it is the firm resolve that is the real requisite; there is no need of choice expressions. Undoubtedly the value of worship lies in its utter sincerity; 'Words without thoughts never to heaven go.' Nevertheless, 'out of t he abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.' There is a relief or a satisfaction in the tongue uttering forth what the heart strongly feels. If a sense of thankfulness is kindled in the heart, it will come out spontaneously. Whenever the soul throbs with devotion, words will flow out of their own accord. Moreover, by the very act of prayer we bind ourselves to work assiduously either for uprooting a vice or for implant-