Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/223

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great Creator and loving Father stands before us with the smile of love, and we bow down before Him in extreme trust and supreme hope? When do we, when can we,, feel half so comforted and cheered as at that blessed hour when God turns His gracious ear, as a tender and benign Mother, towards us, and we freely pour forth, in sighs and groans, the tale of our sins and transgressions, and tears, penitent tears, rush up and wash away the dust of worldliness and wickedness that has enveloped and bedimmed the light of conscience in us? Truly and verily, enviable is the position of him who prayeth incessantly and hopefully. Let us all repair to, and fall down upon, the hallowed feet of our Father, tender our humble tribute of gratitude to our Lord, praise and glorify the gracious Saviour who has vouch-safed unto us the invaluable boon of free communion even with Himself, the Eternal and the Absolute; since this privilege of directlv speaking to the Immortal One is in itself the pledge of our own immortality in Him.