Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/235

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ned against his own Lord and Father — can any man perceive this truth and not feel impelled to love, adore and obey that All-merciful One with the whole heart, soul and strength ? To realise God as the great Purifier, the gracious Sanctifier, is to be irresistibly led to revere Him and bow down before Him in awe and reverence. Lastly, the Purifier of the fallen is as the right arm of might unto those who, pressing hard towards their own destination, feel it a part of their mission in life to aid others in reaching their goal. He who believes that there is one potent Reclaimer of all the refractory will also believe that his own hands will be strengthened, his own efforts will be reinforced, as he faithfully employs them for the uplift of others ; and he is stimulated and encouraged to work with redoubled energy for the redemption and salvation of his sisters and brethren. The Purifier of the fallen is the guarantee that all earnest endeavours will be ultimately crowned with successs. Will the gentle reader