Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/255

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universe is, as Goethe has said, the live-garment woven at the loom of time to half-reveal and half-conceal, as through a translucent veil, the adorable Indweller. All earth is holy ground; every object is a 'theophany', a suggestive token of God; all occupations are sacred engagements; every moment reckons a 'heart-beat' responsive to His Love. This conception of life gives unto us, on the one hand, the amplest opportunity to render back devoutly unto Him, though in a soiled state all the talents He has deposited in us; and, on the other hand, it brings us into the closest contact with the Spirit, as it in-dwells and permeates this marvellous creation. Man the imaged idea of God; God the indwelling Spirit of man—where is the cleavage; what becomes, after that, of all the divisions, of all the clashes and conflicts, with which we stultify ourselves and frustrate the purposes of life? One tender smile of affection from the devoted heart to the Eternal Beloved, and one sweet note of response from the Eternal Lover back