Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/274

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Ferryman, take us across—not from this to the next world, not from near earth to distant heaven, not from the stale old to the tempting new, not from ours to not-ours, not from man to God; but across that tremendous chasm that yawns within our own selves. Carry us across passion and sin; ferry us across the gulfs of temptations and struggles, steer us through the storms of evil and sin, even to the haven of truth, light and life. Unto Thee, the unerring Ferryman across, we appeal. Lead us out of untruth into truth, lead us out of darkness into light, lead us out of death into life. Thou the almighty, all-conquering, awe-inspiring One, do Thou, with the radiance of Thy glory, with the charm of Thy beauty, reveal Thyself in our hearts and renew us with Thy eternal love. We bless Thee and we seek to be blessed in Thee. We glorify Thy name!


And shall it be all prayer and supplication to be cared for and taken across? Shall we not, in Thy presence, tear asun-