Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/282

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life, to lay bare unto us the realities veiled behind the appearances of the common day and, in seeming to enwrap us in the sable folds of death, to lead us into that inner shrine where He reveals Himself in all the effulgence of His glory. He is training and disciplining, He is testing and proving, He is beckoning and guiding, He is perplexing and reassuring, He is seemingly smiting but actually soothing and nerving us, as we are taught — as we are habituated — to depend upon Him, to trust in Him, to confide in Him, to wait on Him, to abide by His commandment. And now that it comes to be our turn, shall we not have the trust to say, "Now comes unto us a call from Him to unlearn the old notions and to learn a new lesson in the truths, in the facts, in the verities of life; now is given us a rare chance to lay ourselves open unto His Spirit with the eagerness which anguish soothed by hope ever begets in the human breast ; now is granted unto us a blessed opportunity to wait on the Lord trustfully and expectant-