Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/285

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abides,' we say; yet we fail to feel that Thou abidest and Truth abideth in Thee. We adore Thee; but we forget to honour and uphold Thee with the resolute, undivided loyalty of our hearts. Thou art our God of Truth. Now we behold Thee as the very centre, the real core, the true substance, the vital secret, of life and creation. Thou art the Truth that forbids unreality, uncertainty. Thou art the Truth that fits together all changes into one serried series, a marvellous continuity of life and growth. Thou -art the Truth that eludes the inquisitive but reveals itself to the trustful. Thou art the Truth that the philosopher laboriously seeks but the devotee familiarly sees and enjoys. Thou art the Truth that makes the hope of day, even in the darkest hour of night, a fact, a certainty. Thou art the Truth that sustains the apparently faded and the seemingly, exhausted life of the seed and the plant exposed to the frost and the mildew. Thou art the Truth that impels the out-pouring, through every nook and corner,