Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/29

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all, a quenchless passion for attuned absorption, with its alternating phases of writhing anguish over separation and rapturous ecstasy over reunion. Hence, even as 'ye shall know' a man by his friends, the favourite fellowship in the orbit of habitual movement at the veriest perihelion of faith is that of a glorious constellation in which are readily discerned the spirits of Kabir and Chaitanya, Saadi and Jaluluddin Rumi, Madame Guyon and Miss Underhill, Maharshi Devendranath and Brahmananda Kesava Chandra. And it is the sage and the saint, the devotee and the mystic, that shines forth with "the vision and the faculty divine" in and through the recondite scholar and the felicitous stylist, the eloquent speaker and the acute dialectician, the red-cross knight of purity and the stalwart foe of every species of iniquity and idolatry, the silent upbuilder of persona] characters and the ardent inspirer of practical beneficences. The wonder to many is — and yet what won der? — that the,wizard?-skill of the tongue-