Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/319

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server, Fulfiller and In-gatherer. And as we have sung, Thou art the free Giver of all good things, the bountiful Bestower of all boons, the ready Fulfiller of all desires, the prompt Response to all prayers. Our debt immense of endless gratitude how can we express in human language, compute in human expression? We owe a11 that we have, all that we can be, all that we desire to be, to Thee alone. And, in return, what can we possibly render unto Thee but our ashtanganamaskarams, the obeisance of all our faculties, the adoration of all our powers, the devotion of our whole existence? So with all the faculties and all the powers incessantly growing and expressing themselves in and through us we adore Thee! With our eyes we adore Thee; with our ears we adore Thee; with every other sense in us we adore Thee. With the messages that the eye receives we adore Thee; with the blessings that the eye realises we adore Thee; with the truth that the eye perceives we adore Thee; with all the bounty that the eye enjoys we adore