Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/324

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stand on the holy ground of His temple, we are always and everywhere in the sanctifying presence of our God. Nevertheless, while He is the all-including, the all-pervading, the all-transcending One, even to betoken His particular solicitude, love and grace, He comes home to us, time and again, in events and experiences, in incidents and suggestions, that move the heart and urge the spirit with an irresistible attraction towards God; and then we know that God is, not merely the general protector and the common companion, but also the individual care-taker and the personal friend of each one of us. He thus grants it unto us to see and feel, to realise and rejoice, that not in the gross, not in the aggregate, but through direct, care, individual attention, intimate affection, He comes close and He attaches Himself to us. Thereby He endears Himself to each one of us as our own author, protector, preserver, friend, teacher, saviour, spouse : He thus rears unto Himself a sweet home in the loving heart and a holy sanctuary