Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/326

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tial presence illumines this home, enlivens this family; we bow down before Thee and we thank Thee, not out of the awe urged by majesty, but out of the reverence inspired by love and holiness. We are nearer and closer unto Thee than the embrace of Thy love; we are inspired and indwelt by Thine own hallowed spirit. Oh! Thou dear God, Thou thrice-beloved Lord, blessed, blessed, blessed be Thy name!

Tnou art undoubtedly present here : this dear one is the witness of Thy sweet presence. Aye, the whole frame thrills with the quickening touch of Thy holy presence. Dear One, sweet One, gracious One, enrapturing One, we reverently bow down before Thee, in devout obeisance unto Thy holy spirit. Indeed, we are so suffused with the sense of our closeness and dearness unto Thee that we hardly know how to think and feel that we are apart enough to talk to Thee and to thank Thee. All-embracing, all-pervading that Thou art, do Tnou graciously grant that unto these grateful hearts and adoring souls it might