Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/349

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whisper singing Thy praise, the first thought spontaneously springing to Thy throne, the first desire involuntarily reaching out for Thy embrace Beloved One, the end eared One of our hearts, the adored One of our souls! We feel that, having Thee, we have all, we lack nothing and we need want nothing. We have Thee as our own, in all Thy inexhaustible life and love. From Eternity to Eternity we are conceived in Thy Spirit, cradled in Thy Love, nourished in Thy Mercy, transfigured in Thy grace, embosomed in Thy Holiness. Oh Thou intimate, individual Friend, Guide, Protector, Parent! Wherever we turn, whatever we think of, whatsoever we engage in, whomsoever we lean on, we behold Thee. All, all objects are indwelt, inspirited by Thee. But for Thee, void of Thee, abstracted from Thee, what were we all, what were this solid world, what were those radiant orbs, what were this bracing atmosphere? Mere shows, fleeting shadows unsubstantial dreams, vanishing mists! Thou dwellest in us, filling us, permeating us,