Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/390

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dea), in 1485 of the Christian Era; and was, therefore, two years younger than that immortal champion of Christian Protestantism, Martin Luther.*[1] Portents and miracles have always heralded a great man into the world. Nature is supposed to rejoice at the advent of a noble soul, by breaking through its law and uniformity. Chaitanya was in the womb for thirteen months. The termination of an eclipse coincided with the first dawn of the future saint. The leader of the existing Vaishnava cult and bis future disciple, Advaitacharya, visited the infant sage with presents. But we can well afford to pass by these extra-ordinary incidents and turn to the more lasting glories of this inspired life,

  1. * It may incidentally be mentioned that in his eloquent lecture on Chaitanya (Speeches, Vol. I) Babu Surendranath Banerjee says, "He was thus two years older than another great reformer, Martin Luther." With the learned lecturer this might have been a mere lapsus lingnoe; but the Editor should, in our humble opinion, have corrected or pointed out the slip, insignificant and evident as it is. It is found in both the editions through which the speeches have passed.