Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/396

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Chaitanya formally renounced the world. A solemn and unmistakable protest had to be made against the degrading sensuality of Saktaism. On the sacred altar of duty he immolated the all-holy filial and conjugal ties. In his own person, Chaitanya set a noble example, for others to note and to follow, of unsparing self-sacrifice and unflinching patriotism. The loving mother might rend the sky with her sobs, the affectionate wife might break her heart in despair; but Brutus can never love Caesar more and Rome less. He set his face stern against all other considerations; and in response to the call of love became an ascetic. Such asceticism may, as a general rule, be objectionable; but the smaller of two inevitable evils must always be preferred; and Chaitanya did this. Now began that famous Sankeerthan which is indissolubly associated with the saint's name and has, since his time, become, with every religionist, a favourite method of preaching a creed. With the praise and glory of Harion their