Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/454

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and the welfare of your country have still a dominating hold on my accustomed thoughts and deepest feelings." Here indeed, was a noble Friend of India; when and how often can India expect to see his like again?—Unto us, his students, the richest legacy of the Master was his inspiring life. "The Professor must inspire," remarks one of the greatest living authorities on University Education; and we ever found in the Master "inspiration" itself. "Inspiration" to live a loyal life radiated from him, as "virtue 'from a saintly soul, in all directions. This was in happy accord with his theory that a student should start as a "fellow-worker," and be elevated to "a friend in council" with the master, in pursuit of a common end. He was thus one of that blessed band—Heaven's favoured few, the enduring memorials of whose life-work could be pointed out in the convincing "Circumspice." And if only grace be vouchsafed unto us to realise in ourselves and to transmit to those around us some of that 'inspiration',