Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/62

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Something that makes a chamber, where
only the one may come,
A sacredness, too, and a silence, where
joy that is deepest is dumb."

And social purity seeks to guard the sacredness of this ' chamber ' with a vigilance and a devotion too wakeful for the sliest insinuation and too firm for the hardest temptation, and to adorn and enrich it with the most endearing affection of the heart and the most sublime devotion of the soul.


may next be glanced at, with special reference to our social conditions. A word of caution and of request may here be necessary that, as one descends from fine principles to unpleasant particulars, one runs the risk of offending "ears polite." But the duty of speaking an unwelcome truth, according to occasion, being granted, the kind reader's judgment may decide whether the occasion does not exist. The first, then, of these particular aspects is