Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/91

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that "inarticulate, unfathomable speech which leads us to the edge of the infinite and lets us for a moment gaze into that," that food of love and that incense of the soul, has been largely neglected and completely disreputed by its unholy association with open immorality. Times were when sages did not decline to teach it and princesses did not disdain to learn it. Numerous instances could be cited of ladies of virtue and position acquiring and using this noble accomplishment. They felt no indignity, the public imputed no flaw, on that account.†[1] But when society was unhinged by political disturbance and social deterioration, modesty retired, while impudence held the field undisputed. With the return of peace and enlightenment, music should have been everywhere restored to its ancient prestige of an honourable accomplishment. But the

  1. † Mr. Besant is reported to have observed recently: "Music has been excluded (from the education of girls,) because of its shameful associations with the nautch-girl. Your sons, if they want music, have to mix with the most shameful of characters."