Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/15

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presented this auspicious day last year, may be gathered from a few stray extracts out of a large number of acknowledgment letters and reviews. Well may the place of priority among these be given, as before, to the renewed testimony and benediction of the venerable Rev. Dr. J. Estlin Carpenter of Oxford, as near to the Indian Theistic Church in warm-hearted sympathy as he stands high in well-merited renown in the world of theology. Referring to “your beloved Dewan Bahadur”. he is “happy to learn that he is still with you to exercise the genial influence of beautiful ^nd honoured age”. As to the varied contents of the volume, he specifically observes, “The addresses on behalf of Social Purity and the elbvated respect due to Woman are of great value. They make the loftiest appeal and should be circulated as widely as possible” ; and about the Prayers, he adds, “There is so warm and rich a sense of the Heavenly Presence with all its varieties of gpace, so glowing a gratitude for the wonders of existence and all the aifections