Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/23

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and the Vidyasagar and Viresaliogam Appreciations, it is the educational and social (or socio-political) interests that bulk largest, thus leaving open the range of its yet-to-be successor mostly for literary discourses and dissertations. Hence, as to the compilation in hand, the controversial, if not trite, nature of some ol' the tojiics as well as the mixed character of the audiences must enter into a consideration ot’ tlie tone and the treatment- Even within these limits, one or two rem » rkable features cannot fail to imprejis themselves. Firstly, there is the serene, self-possessed di^'iiity of the utterance ever and exclusively in tlie liglit of the ethical and spiritual be-iriugs of the issues involved. Yes; light, mit heat, albeit on burning topics and in a heated atnios]»here : quite the sublime, not the stale view ; always the suggesliive, ndt the self-asserting vein ; just the appealing, not the accusing accent; only the strong, not the sour word altogether 'an immediuti; object-lesson in entire freedom from that spirit of intolerance which comes in for exposure in the