Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/27

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insistence upon imperative measures of -educational reform like the development of ‘university centres’ on the iing'uistic i)asis in outlying areas, “ a broad and well-laid scheme of wide-spread Vernacular •education,” the stimulation of higher technical training for the dissolution of “ academic untouchability ” between intellectual .aptitudes and industrial skill, and “a liberal-spirited scheme of moral instruction.” But apart from these immediate •concerns, it stands assured of permanent validity as clearly embodying the Two Tables of the Law unto the supreme end ■of self-realisation in ” the glorious work of national renaissance”: namely. Culture {vidya matured intot viveka, riveka sublimated into vigjnana, viyjnana mellowed into vinaya) and Duty (the instrument of Discipline, the pillar of Development, the fountain of Delight). Next.’a trio of religious -essays— the first from the Suthyammrardhani of liaj^huiuudry and the other two from The Fellow'TVovkeT of M!adras — though belonging to the earlier years yet with great force and