Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/277

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they are a separate and higher caste. It is only the general uplift of the caste that will secure real recognition and appreciation. Till then such doubtful individuals will be treated like the bats in the fable, until they boldly take their stand by their own kith and kin and, giving up all vulgar hankering for places and positions, seats and votes, devote themselves wholeheartedly to the advancement of those who are flesh of their flesh and bone of their bone. Thus united, you will achieve the great destiny of your community in a manner and at a pace which it will not be possible to command without such union.

Sisters and brethren, I have in these stray remarks placed before you such considerations as I feel merit your attention. There are several subjects relating to your improvement: such as grants of lands on encouraging terms, formation of Co-operative Societies, adoption of certain healthier methods of living, improvement of your moral and social habits and the like that do deserve consideration. But I am confident that all