Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/450

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( 1908 )

There are three general considerations that move men to come together and combine — firstly, common human ideals ; next, common human interests; lastly, common human hatreds. Of these the third consideration can only bring about a pact which is doomed to be short-lived, as it is subject to internal disintegration. The second promotes a combination capable of some measure of continuity; but it cannot permanently withstand extraneous opposition. The first alone can establish an enduring bond of union, which stands four-square against all adverse forces; it is sustained by an innate strength derived from Clod Himself. As a concrete instance of the cementing power of ideals, the common admiration for a great man operates as a unifying force of marvellous efficacy. To love and seek to emulate a