Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/480

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the ‘cunning’ of weaving fine phrases but words fused, vitalised and sent forth as a fresh life-current from the heart of one who has lived his life as ever under the great Task-master’s eye. In his case it is true that the word is the man incarnate. It is the mirror of the life he has been living. His is the voice of a being from on high that not merely persuades and convinces but captivates and regenerates. The characteristic peculiarity of this hero is a directness of utterance as of aim and action, potent in influence and rich in benevolence all his own. His gift to us, his admirers, is, not the value of his teaching, not even the worth of his action, but the priceless boon of his noble life. Our fit thanks, therefore, to him are, not the tribute of our admiration, not even the homage of our gratitude, but the offering of our lives to the great cause dear to him. Shall we make that offering now? And may kind Heaven consecrate the offering with His blessing!