Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/64

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tion of the community will endorse and support a liberal-spirited scheme of moral instruction. It will be in harmony with the finest traditions of the land. I venture to add that morality—man's correct response to his ‘temporal surroundings'—will irresistibly elevate itself to spirituality—man’s correct response to his ‘ eternal surroundings.' And this exaltation of morality need cause no alarm. India’s ultimate unity, consistently with her age-long genius, must rest on spiritual affinities. Let us only realise that sound education is a preparation for ‘fulness of life.’ As Bacon urges, the whole system of being should ‘be thrown out altogether’, as ‘Nature does in forming a flower.’ Thus alone the Teacher becomes the Guru.

Graduates of the Year, Ladies and Gentlemen : I feel grateful for the courtesy of your company in the foregoing* ramble over the field of education. This excursion were a digression but for the plea that to yon, one and all, education ought always to be a subject of absorbing interest. Distant as Utopia may be the millennium when, as a certain.