Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/82

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scoiousness the sovereignty of this mighty word over human life. It is, theirefore, incumbent on the outgoing to offer to the in-eoming generation, even as a memento of mutual good-will, some vivid though succinct account of one’s deep-impressed experiences relating to this all-compelling idea.—On the subject of Duty it is not possible that I can say anything that is new. But the reiteration of a world-old ideal is a daily task, like the daily reappearance of the Sun. The precept, ‘whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might’, signifies that a dedicated life alone can be a useful life. The Sacred Book of Human Existence opens with the dedication—‘ To Duty '- In the estimates of Duty, there is no distinction of *high and humble. The day ’s duty notes the fulfilment of the day ’s worship. The privilege of performing Duty is ‘the only absolute Right’ of man.—Of the several characteristics of Duty, reference will here be made to two. The eye of Duty is ever upon man. .It is ‘ the Hound of Heaven' watching over him through all the windings of life. No moment, no incident, is too trivial for the purview of Duty. Th»