Page:The Methodist Hymn-Book Illustrated.djvu/334

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From every sickness, by Thy word,

From every sore disease, Saved, and to perfect health restored,

To perfect holiness.

The hymn is made up of verses 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21.

��Hymn 555. "What is our calling s glorious hope.


Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1742 ; Works, ii. 304. Tit. ii. 14. Jesu, Redeemer of mankind,

How little art Thou known By sinners of a carnal mind,

Who claim Thee for their own.

Verses 10 to 14 are given here. Charles Wesley wrote

Ver. 2. Give me a faith that roots out sin. Ver. 5. To cleanse and fill thy heart.

Hymn 556. He wills that I should holy be.


Short Hymns on Select Passages of Scripture, 1762. The first verse is Hymn 3,205, I Thess. iv. 3 (Works, xiii. 90) ; verses 2 and 3 are No. 975, Ps. cxliii. 10 ( Works, ix. 340) ; and verses 4 and 5 are No. 383, Matt. xiv. 36 (Works, x. 287).

Hymn 557. Father, I dare believe.


Short Hymns on Select Passages of Scripture, 1762. Verses I and 2 on Ps. cxxx. 8 (Works, ix. 334) ; verses 3 and 4 on Jer. iv. I, and verses 5 and 6 on Jer. iv. 14 ( Works, x. n).

Hymn 558. Jesus hath died that I might live.


Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1742; Works, ii. 149. Acts xvi. 31. What shall I do, my God, my God? The last five verses (9-13) form the hymn.

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