Page:The Methodist Hymn-Book Illustrated.djvu/536

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��DAVIES, Samuel, 68 Dayman, Edward Arthur, 970 Denny, Sir Edward, 203 Dessler, W. C., 491, 521, 524 Dix, W. C., 128, 287, 944 Doane, George Washington, 113 Dober, Anna, 534 Dobree, H. O. De Lisle, 834 Doddridge, Philip, 95, 139, 172,

247t 378, 663, 720, 747, 750,

89, 933

Douglas, Frances Jane, 946 Downton, Henry, 204 Dryden, John, 228 Duffield, George, 462 Duncan, Mary, 885 Dwight, Timothy, 299

EDMESTON, James, 625, 927 Ellerton, John, 603, 639, 644,

645, 646, 761, 833, 836, 858,

892, 961, 974

Elliott, Charlotte, 317, 453, 485 Elliott, Emily E. S., 138 Elven, Cornelius, 316

FABER, F. W., 54, 71, 162, 458,

620, 643

Fawcett, John, 799 Findlater, Sarah, 899 Ford, C. L., 748 Foster, F. W., 22 Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft (Mrs.

Felkin), 945 Francis, Benjamin, 461 Freylinghausen, J. A., 571

GARRETT, Charles, 959 Gellert, Christian F., 175 Gerhardt, Paulus, 163, 365, 414,

415, 480, 481

Gill, Thomas H., 52, 96, 813, 883 Gill, William Henry, 947 Gladden, Washington, 605 Goadby, Frederic W., 665 Godwin, Elizabeth Ayton, 407 Grant, Sir Robert, 4, 157 Grigg, Joseph, 461 Gurney, Dorothy F., 962 Gurney, John Hampden, 117

HAMILTON, James, 937

Hankey, Katherine, 150

Hare, Archdeacon Julius C., 357

��Hart, Joseph, 280, 389 Hatch, Edwin, 244, 626 Havergal, Frances Ridley, 330,

402, 403, 405, 463, 566, 569,

762, 763, 782 Hawker, Robert, 798 Hawkins, Hester Periam, 629 Hawks, Annie Sherwood, 456 Heber, Reginald, 28, 125, 127,

242, 329, 738, 770, 806, 877,


Henley, John, 862 Herbert, Petrus, 347, 925 Hervey, James, 489 Hickson, William Edward, 972 Hinchsliffe, Joseph, 843 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 23, 497,


Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, 413 How, W. Walsham, 177, 267,288,

807, 939, 946, 949. 95 2 > 978

INGEMANN, Eernhardt S., 628 Irons, William Josiah, 844

J., Edith, 964 Jenkins, Ebenezer E., 969 John (St.) of Damascus, 178 Joseph (St.) the Hymnographer, 835

KEBLE, John, 85, 229, 670, 901,

910, 960

Kelly, Thomas, 209, 784, 917 Ken, Thomas, 900, 909 Kennedy, Benjamin Hall, 428,

509, 940

Kethe, William, 2 King, John, 861 Kingsley, Charles, 951

LANGE, Ernst, 38, 39 Lange, Joachim, 564 Lathbury, Mary Ann, 263, 924 Lowenstern, Matthaus A. von,


Luke, Jemima (Thompson), 866 Luther, Martin, 173, 466, 514 Lynch, Thomas Toke, 252, 606 Lyte, Henry Francis, 7, 13, 58? 398,495,650,716, 779,9" Lyth, John, 889

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