Page:The Mexican Problem (1917).djvu/107

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"anti-Carranzista" and receive their dose of cold lead without a murmur. Those who respond "Carranzista" are handed a musket.

In the latter part of April, 1917, I received word that a personal friend of mine, the manager of one of the oil companies in Mexico, had that month had a terrible experience. He started from the coast for the City of Mexico, going first north to Monterey, as the southern railroad route was interrupted by disorder. On the main line, and nearer Mexico City than the northern boundary, the escorted train was assaulted by one hundred brigands, and thirty of the passengers and their defenders were killed. There can be no denial of my report. But I have again had the news records of this country searched only to find that no one has now any interest to gather or print such news.

Carranza is still appealing for financial help north, south, east, and west when he should ask the military cooperation of the United States.