Page:The Mikado or the town of titipu.djvu/21

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Enter Chorus, Pooh-Bah, and Pish-Tush.


With aspect stern and gloomy stride,
We come to learn how you decide.
Don't hesitate your choice to name,
A dreadful fate you'll suffer all the same.
Pooh. To ask you what you mean to do we punctually appear.
Ko. Congratulate me, gentlemen, I've found a Volunteer!
All. The Japanese equivalent for Hear, Hear, Hear!
Ko.(presenting him). 'Tis Nanki-Poo!
All.Hail, Nanki-Poo!
Ko.I think he'll do?
All.Yes, yes, he'll do!
Ko. He yields his life if I'll Yum-Yum surrender.
Now I adore that girl with passion tender,
And could not yield her with a ready will,
Or her allot, if I did not
Adore myself with passion tenderer still!

Enter Yum-Yum, Peep-Bo, and Pitti-Sing.

All.Ah, yes!
He loves himself with passion tenderer still!
Ko. (to Nanki-Poo). Take her— she's yours!

[Exit Ko-Ko.


Nanki-Poo.The threatened cloud has passed away,
Yum-Yum.And brightly shines the dawning day;
Nanki-Poo.What though the night may come too soon,
Yum-Yum.There's yet a month of afternoon!

Nanki-Poo, Pooh-Bah, Pish-Tush, Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing and Peep-Bo.

Then let the throng our joy advance,
With laughing song and merry dance,
Chorus.With joyous shout and ringing cheer,
Inaugurate our brief career! &c.
Pitti-Sing.A day, a week, a month, a year—
Yum.Or far or near, or far or near,
Pooh.Life's eventime comes much too soon,
Pitti-Sing.You'll live at least a honeymoon!
AllThen let the throng, &c.
Chorus.With joyous shout, &c