Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/130

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business to take 'em. You don't suppose I chose this business because of its freedom from danger, do you?"

"A brave man doesn't court danger; he simply meets it bravely when it comes."

"Well, I'll try to meet it that way if it comes. At present Millbank looks like a fairly safe place. I don't think I'll get my throat cut here."

"But you aren't going to stay here," the man urged. "You know you aren't. You're going——"

"We'll dispense with information as to where I'm going," Trafford interrupted. "It's probably safe to state, but it's possibly not. We'll keep on the absolutely safe side as long as possible. Your train leaves in fifteen minutes."

The gesticulating Canadian reappeared on the instant. Discipline asserted itself, and the man prepared to obey without further remonstrance.