Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/213

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"But it was by mistake he inflicted it," the priest answered.

"By mistake, because he missed the man he intended to strike and hit his associate in crime. He was in the bridge to rob and probably to murder, and if the death of his companion was directly accidental, it came through a violation of the law and that makes it murder."

"In the eyes of the law, possibly," the priest said; "but we look to the intent. The man did not intend to kill his associate. He died as the result of an accident."

"Are you permitted to give me details?" Trafford asked, wisely avoiding a discussion that might return again and again on itself without actual progress.

"A wounded man found me asleep in a hut where he sought shelter, guided by the Blessed Virgin, I doubt not. I heard his confession. On that is the seal of the Church. He begged me to find you and give you this message, and what he said in that I will strive faithfully to repeat. It is all that I can say. He was not in the bridge to