Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/287

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The Man is Found

McManus was unmarried and lived at the Millbank Hotel, where he indulged in the extravagance of two rooms, a sitting room and a bedroom. Trafford saw him at supper and arranged for an evening interview.

"I'll come to your room," he said. "I've got nothing but a six by nine closet on the highest floor."

Supper over, he went for a short walk, to pass the time until the hour of appointment. He walked out on the river road where Charles Hunter's great house stood, and found himself running over items of expense in maintaining such an establishment, all directed to the question whether a man on the income derivable from one hundred thousand dollars could afford a home like it. Disgusted with a train of thought he could not control, he hastened on, until at the top of Parlin Hill he saw the Parlin homestead and quite unexpectedly began asking