Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/290

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you facts. Whoever was the murderer, I'm certain it wasn't Frank Hunter. I'll give you that for your comfort. As I was saying, they talked about ten minutes and then separated. Hunter went to his brother's house and the stranger turned back, crossed the railroad bridge, and went down Somerset Street, meeting a man about a quarter of a mile below the Catholic church, where the street runs through the heavy maple grove. You know the spot?"

McManus nodded, attempting no other interruption.

"It was now about quarter to nine, and the two were together full half an hour. The stranger then came back up Somerset Street and went directly to Charles Hunter's house. Ten minutes after, a man, who might have been the one whom the stranger met, crossed Eddy Street to Bicknell, came up Bicknell to Canaan, crossed Canaan to River Road, and went directly up River Road to the Parlin homestead. He reached there between half-past nine and quarter before ten and went to the side door, where he rang the right-hand bell, showing that he was