Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/300

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"How would he have got at it? It was locked."

"Unless Wing's keys were in the lock. That might have been. He would have taken them out when he closed the safe; it would not have closed otherwise. I understand they were found on the mantel."

"Who testified to that?" asked Trafford, as if trying to recall the fact.

"I don't remember," said McManus. "Some one at the inquest, I think."

"I think it would have been natural for him to open the cupboard, though he must have seen the package when he was there early in the evening, and so knew what he was after. However, whether he examined further or not, he did not remain long. The next day he cleaned the chamber of the revolver and filled it, thus leaving only one empty, and during the night found opportunity to throw it over on to the box hedge in the front yard."

Trafford stopped as if he had finished his story, and McManus sat like one in a deep reverie. Suddenly, he looked up and asked: