Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/31

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"When did you see him again?"

"At half-past nine, when I went to bid him good-night."

"Are you certain of the time?"

"Yes; for I stopped to wind the clock as I went through the hall, and noticed that it was exactly half-past nine."

"There are two doors to the library, are there not—one from the main hall and one from the side?"


"By which one did you enter the library?"

"By the one from the side hall."

"Which is near the side door of the house?"

Again she had to nod assent. This was the door through which Wing had passed to his death.

"Did you knock at the door before entering?"


Again that slight suggestive raising of the head.

"Did he open the door for you?"

"Yes. He knew my knock, and always came to open the door."