Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/312

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Noteworthy Books by ARTHUR COLTON and what some authorities say of them.

The Belted Seas

A story of the wild voyages of the irrepressible Captain Buckingham in Southern seas.

12 mo, $1.50

Evening Post: "A whimsical Odyssey. . . . What Jacobs has done for the British seaman, Colton has done for the Yankee sailor."

Cincinnati Enquirer: "Never has the peculiar brand of humor which South America affords been more skilfully exploited than by Arthur Colton in The Belted Seas. . . . It is a joyous book, and he were a hardened reader indeed who would not chortle with satisfaction over Kid Saddler's adventures at Portate. . . . Many of the stories are uproariously funny and recall Stockton at his best."

Port Argent 12mo, $1.50

A romance of a few weeks in an Ohio city "with growing pains."

Critic: "A story of breathless events and of remarkable concentration."

Bookman: "Mr. Colton's work is particularly worthy of praise."

Life: "Arthur Colton is a writer with a remarkably individual outlook. Port Argent is bright and full of characteristic Coltonisms."

San Francisco Chronicle: "A quiet story told with such restraint that it is only after laying down the volume that one realizes the bigness of the problems presented, in breadth and richness of thought, and the power of its action."

Tioba 12mo, $1.25

Mr. Colton here depicts a gallery of very varied Americans. Tioba was a mountain which meant well but was mistaken.

Bookman: "He is always the artist observer, adding stroke upon stroke with the surest of sure pens, . . . an author who recalls the old traditions that there were once such things as good writing and good story-telling."

Critic: "In each of these stories he has presented some out-of-the-way fragment of life with faithfulness and power. . . . He has the artist's instinct."

Henry Holt and Company
Publisher (IV, '05) New York