Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/53

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Thus far Oldbeg had simply been called upon to testify to the finding of the body. The remainder of his testimony was to be given later.

"About nine o'clock; not more'n five minutes one way or 'tother."

"What were you doing on Canaan Street at five minutes after midnight?"

Oldbeg looked frightened, and Mrs. Parlin showed considerable anxiety in the look she cast on the two men.

"Come," said Trafford sharply. "If I can find out you were there, I can find out why you were there. I'd rather hear it from you."

"I was comin' from the twelve-o'clock train. My cousin, Jim Shepard, went to Portland to work an' I saw him off."

"Be careful," Trafford warned him. "If you were coming from the station, you'd have come up Somerset Street, not Canaan."

"Why, ye see," the man explained, placed at once at his ease in having something to tell of which he had knowledge; "Jim, he was spendin' the evenin' with his gal, Miss Flanders, in Canaan Street, an'