Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/80

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"Twenty-five year this coming July."

"You were at the house the evening and night of the tenth of May?"


"Did you wait on the table at supper that evening?"

"I passed the victuals, ef that's what ye mean by wait;" with an air of defiance.

"Who were at supper?"

"Mis Parlin an' Mr. Wing."

"Did either of them seem to you depressed or preoccupied?"


"The meal was pleasant as usual, and both seemed in good spirits?"


"Were you in the dining room when they left it?"

"Nope; I left 'em thar an' went back arter they were through an' cleaned up the table."

"When did you next see Mr. Wing?"

"As he and Mis Parlin come back from the orchard."