Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/85

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"I have."

"What is your conclusion from that testimony as to the position of the light at the time the witness passed up the drive?"

"That it was on the mantel nearly above the safe."

"Have you made any experiments to determine in what position any one would place the light, if he had the safe open and desired the best light on its contents?"

"I have."

"With what result?"

"That he would place it on the mantel about a foot or a foot and a half west of the safe."

"Then the testimony of the witness and the result of your experiments would lead you to conclude that at the time the witness passed up the drive, the occupant of the room had the safe open and the light so placed that he could best see into it?"

"It is entirely compatible with that assumption."

Mr. Trafford was dismissed and Oldbeg recalled. There was a buzz in the room.