Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/93

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"There was then a very strong resemblance between the handwriting of your late husband and that of Mr. Wing?"

"A very strong resemblance. Theodore always admitted that he had tried to write like the judge, and of late years the resemblance was very close."

"Still you are confident as to the handwriting of the statement that has been produced here?"

"Absolutely confident."

"When you hold this statement up to the light, do you discover any water-mark?"

"Yes, a sheaf of something that looks like wheat with a circle around it."

"I hand you a blank sheet of paper. Has that any water-mark?"

"It has the same water-mark."

"That will do. Mr. Trafford will take the stand.

"I hand you this blank sheet of paper, which Mrs. Parlin has just stated contains the same water-mark as that on which the purported statement of Judge