Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 2).djvu/18

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cannot, it shall not be! Alphonso, behold me at your feet! Be witness of my despair! Look with pity on a woman who loves you with sincere affection! She who possesses your heart, how has she merited such a treasure? What sacrifice has she made to you? What raises her above Rodolpha?"

I endeavoured to lift her from her knees.

"For God's sake, Segnora, restrain these transports; they disgrace yourself and me. Your exclamations may be heard, and your secret divulged to your attendants. I see that my presence only irritates you: permit me to retire."

I prepared to quit the apartment: the baroness caught me suddenly by the arm.

"And who is this happy rival?" said she in a menacing tone; "I will know her name, and when I know it . . . . . ! She is some one in my power; you entreated my favour, my protection! Let me but find her, let me but know who dares to rob me of your heart, and she shall suffer every torment which jealousy and disappointmentcan