Page:The Monthly anthology, and Boston review, volume 9.djvu/220

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Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura. Mart.


A Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts. By Wm. Charles White, Esq. Counsellor at Law. Vol.11. Part II. Boston; T. B. Wait and Co.

A Military Dictionary of the several systems of discipline of different kinds of troops, Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry: the principles of Fortification: and also all the modern improvements in the science of tacticks. Comprising the Pocket Gunner; the Laws and Regulations of the United States Military Establishments; and the weights, measures, and monies of all nations: particularly adapted to the use of the military institutions of the United States. By William Duane, late Lieut. Col. in the army of the United States, and author of the American Military Library. Philadelphia; price §6. 8vo.

* The History of Printing in America , with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is prefixed, a concise View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art in other parts of the world—In two volumes octavo, with five Plates, one of which is a fac simile of the first article known to be printed in Europe by the discoverer of the art; two are fac similes of the printing types first used in England; another represents cylindrical presses; the fifth is an Indian Gazette. Boston; Isaiah Thomas, jun. 2 vols. 8vo. Price $6 in boards.

An additional volume of President Davies' Sermons; containing nineteen Sermons never before published in America. Price $2. Boston; Lincoln and Edmands.

No. I. Archieves of Useful Knowledge: a work devoted to Commerce, Manufactures, Rural and Domestick Economy, Agriculture, and the Useful Arts. By Benjamin Mease, M. D. Secretary to the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia. New York; Williams and Whiting.

The Borough; a poem, by the Rev. George Crabbe. Boston; Wm. M'llhenny.

A Series of Letters, in which the distinguished sentiments of the Baptists are explained and vindicated: In answer to a late publication, by the Rev. Samuel Worcester, A. M. addressed to the author, entitled, "Serious and Candid Letters." By Thomas Baldwin, D. D. pastor of a Baptist Church in Boston. Boston; Manning and Loring.

* An Address delivered before the Republican Citizens of Berkshire, assembled at Pittsfield, to celebrate the thirty-fourth anniversary of American Independence, July 4th, 1810, by Ezekiel Bacon. Pittsfield; Phinehas Allen.

* An Oration, commemorative of American Independence, delivered on the 4th of July, 1810, by Lieut. Steele White, of the Savannah volunteer guards. Published at the request of the corps. Savannah; John J. Evans.

Greek Exercises, in Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, Prosodies, and Metaphrasis. To which is prefixed, a concise, but comprehensive Syntax. By

* Such books, pamphlets, etc. as are designated by this mark (*) may be found at the Boston Athenaeum.