Page:The Monthly anthology, and Boston review, volume 9.djvu/438

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INDEX, POETRY. Anacreon imitated Anacreon, Ode 1, translated Anacreon, Ode 5, translated Calhoun, Mrs. Address to Epistles on Women, Extract from - Epistola Petropoli Fiery Cross - Page. - 173 22 100 - 22 174 401 101 Page. Hand Organ, Ode to - 99 Heber's Palestine, Extract from ... 243 Horace, Ode 22, B. I. translated 21 Horse Ionics, Extract from 326 My Grey Goose Quill - - 402 The Rose 242 REVIEW Adams, John, poems by - 129 Algerine Captive - - 344 Allen's Biographical Dictionary 116 American New Dispensatory 31 Biographical Dictionary, Al- len's - - " - 116 Biographical Dictionary, Dr. Eliot's - - - 116 Canaan, .New English - 49 Carter, Elizabeth, memoirs of 194 Cases of Organick Diseases of the Heart - - - 320 Climate of the United States, Essay on - - 25 Dispensatory, American New 31 Eliot's Biographical Dictionary 116 Essay on the Climate of the United States - - 25 Freneau's Poems - - - 198 Lambert's Memoir on a first Meridian for the United States - - - 245 Lady of the Lake - - 340 Law of Evidence, Swift's Di- gest of - - 175 Lectures on the Evidences of the Christian Religion - 104 Memoirs of Mrs. Carter - 194 Memorial for a first Meridian 245 New English Canaan - 49 Oberon, Sotheby's - - 191 Porter's Sermon - - 266 Printing, History of - - 404 Raciad, a poem - - 198 Sermon, Dr. Porter's - 266 Silliman's Travels - - 184 Smith's Lectures - - 104 Sotheby's Oberon - - 191 Swift's Law of Evidence - 175 Thomas's History of Printing 404 Updike Underhill - - 344 Warren on the Organick Dis- eases of the Heart - 329 Washington, Weems's Life of 414